The reader by bernhard schlink writing
The reader by bernhard schlink writing

the reader by bernhard schlink writing

Hannah simply leaves and never contacts him again. For Michael, the romance is extremely intense and ends abruptly. Of course, later the reader understand more about why she doesn't share much about her past. In fact, he doesn't even know her name until they had already slept together numerous times. She ignores most of his questions and never really opens up to him. He's young and in love and wants to know everything about her. She doesn't want to share anything with Michael. The reader pretty much knows from the beginning that she has a secret. She colored every relationship he had from that point on. She made such a huge impact on Michael's entire life. I know the author did all of this for a reason, but I really wanted to try and understand her. I wanted her to explain herself and her actions. I found myself wanting to hear more from Hannah. The story is told completely from Michael's point of view. Of course, above everything else there is the moral quandary of this relationship between Michael and Hannah. There's so much about the book that lends itself to discussion. I really would have liked to be able to discuss this book with others.

the reader by bernhard schlink writing

My only regret is that this wasn't a book group book. It's one of those books that hooked me from the first and forced me to keep reading.

However, I wanted to see the movie and I always like to read the book first. I'm no prude, but as the mother of two sons, I didn't know if I'd like reading about a relationship between a 15-year old boy and a 30-something year old woman. I admit that the premise for this book made me a little queasy.

The reader by bernhard schlink writing